4 Sales Myths Debunked

The typecasts and stereotypes that have long surrounded the sales profession tend to be, as we all know, completely false. Here at NX Direct, we know the truth and service to share it with you. Erase from your memory every larger than life salesman character you’ve seen in the movies and take a tip from us as we debunk those rotten sales myths.

Salespeople are Sneaky, Shady, Slimy

The depiction of the salesperson in traditional media is that of a snake. A shady, smooth-talking seller working to essentially harm the consumer. As with most of Hollywood’s representations of the working man, this is an image that is strongly over-exaggerated and a false representation of an entire industry. Bad business is bad for both parties, not only for the consumer. The salesperson is not working to ruin your life or trick you into some sketchy “deal of a lifetime.” Here at NX Direct, we know that a successful business deal works for both parties- this is the main goal of the salesperson.

Extroverts Only

A side effect of the aforementioned Hollywood representation is the idea that every great salesman is an extrovert. Introverts, need not apply. However, we know that this is not the truth. Sales is a business that is just as much mental as it is a conversation. In fact, some of the strongest salesmen are true introverts at heart. Being an introvert is knowing how to read people, knowing how to observe, and knowing how to give someone what they need. Some may argue that these are the fundamental traits of a salesperson.

The Internet is the End of the Sales Profession

In truth, the internet has affected the sales industry greatly, but it will never replace it. How often have you heard someone complain about the lack of personal service offered by online shopping? The frustration that accompanies a return, or an unhappy experience, when everything occurs online. While we do appreciate the convenience, here at NX Direct we know that people want to talk to other people. Simply put, there is no internet service that will ever replace human interaction.

You Will Never Struggle

There is much success to be found in sales, but no industry is perfect. One should never enter into any industry expecting complete success with each day. Here at NX Direct, we know that with every great success, there is a bad day to balance the scale.

From all of us here at NX Direct, we wish you the best in your sales endeavors. We hope that the debunking of these myths has cleared the clouds in your mind, and given you the confidence to pursue your career. Remember, don’t believe everything you hear.