Atlanta’s Very Own Bostonian, Jordan Loring

Meet Jordan – an athletic, outgoing, team-oriented superstar currently excelling in our Management Training Program at NX Direct! A native of Attleboro, MA, Jordan spent his first 8 years in the Northeast before his family decided to relocate to Suwanee, GA!

4 years sIMG_0004pent in Suwanee and a now Bulldog fan, Jordan’s family relocated again – this time closer to the Alabama border in Bremen. An athletic and outgoing child, he immersed himself in baseball and basketball and easily made friends with his contagious personality!  He enjoyed being outdoors, going hunting or riding 4-wheelers – anything that kept him active and out of the house!

With great parents guiding Jordan into a responsible young adult, a lot of emphasis was placed on his schooling and surrounding himself with the right friends and colleagues! Starting with NX Direct pretty quickly after graduation, Jordan immediately fell in love with 3 things: 1) the company’s travel opportunities, 2) the constant opportunity to develop himself and others, and 3) the culture environment. Quoting him directly, ” I loved that I was treated as a unique person that brought new skills to the table and not just as a number.” IMG_0005

IMG_0003Looking up to Geo Varghese as his mentor in business, Jordan is both amazed at how much he’s grown in his year since NX Direct but also prepared to put in the time and effort to advance into the management position he know’s he’s destined for. With aspirations to be promoted to assistant management and then management by his 21st birthday, Jordan works with passion and an intensity far beyond his years.

He attributes his recent success at NX Direct to his focus on preparation and his ability to have & maintain a positive attitude. Jordan doesn’t let hurdles or obstacles deter him from his goals and instead turns on his “tunnel vision” until he achieves what he set his mind to. Looking to be a source of inspiration for his younger 11 year old brother, Jordan always acts with his family and future goals in mind.

In his free time he enjoys watching sports highlights, listening to music, aIMG_0006nd watching any Boston sports team from the Celtics to the Patriots! We wanted to express our pride in having someone of Jordan’s talents in our company and thank him profusely for one year of continued dedication to NX Direct. Keep up the great work, buddy – we see nothing but big things in your future!