One thing that sometimes comes along with the drive and passion for entrepreneurship – a strong ego. Controlling it is precisely what separates the long-term entrepreneurs and the short-term entrepreneurs. Learning early on how you can halt your ego from getting out of control is a skill that requires self-awareness and self-reflection. This is one skill our management team at NX Direct instills in our people. We believe to become your best self, you have to learn to be aware when your ego attempts to derail your career.
Share The Spotlight
If you take advice from any prominent entrepreneur, one of the first things they’ll tell you is to build a team. By assembling a group of leaders around you, it will ensure you’re surrounded by those aligned with your vision while adding value to it at the same time. Also, when you build a team, you’re gaining mentorship experience. Part of being a mentor is celebrating the success of the mentees you’re advising. Allowing individuals you’ve personally trained and developed to hold the spotlight will humble you and help you keep your ego in check.
Find Your Triggers
Getting wrapped up in the day-to-day grind results in losing sight of what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. It’s too easy to fall into for dedicated entrepreneurs just like our individuals at NX Direct. Here lies one of the biggest problems – when someone adopts terrible habits or behaviors they’re not aware of. This is why self-reflection is essential to engage in.
Hit that pause button and think about the last time you’ve steamrolled over someone else’s idea or suggestion. The next question to ask is how often this happens during the week. The final step is to get a little deeper. Ask yourself what made you react in that manner. Think about what was said or the actions of others before you engage in defense mode. This is where you can discover where your triggers are.
Accept That You May Not Know Everything
Let’s be real; if you’ve been on the road to entrepreneurism, you’ve gained a lot of knowledge and experience over this short period. There is no doubt that you’ve come a long way from where you started. We have to remember that this doesn’t mean you’ve hit a peak in the amount of knowledge there is to become a successful business owner.
Having a mentor you speak with on a weekly or monthly basis is a great start. Another action you can take to ensure you’re building upon your knowledge is seeking information from other wise and respected people in your life. Reach out and ask if they’re willing to share success and failures from throughout their careers, and remember to listen more than you speak.
Think about it like this; ego is like salt. Adding a pinch of salt to any dish enhances the flavor, but too much will ruin it entirely. Utilize your ego along your journey to success, but also don’t be afraid to tell it to stop backseat driving. Ultimately, you are in charge of your actions. Remember to add a dash of self-reflection with the tips above from our team at NX Direct.