Meet Travis Moon: Account Manager

Here at NX Direct, we believe that we are nothing without our impeccable and resilient team. This month, we want to shine a light on one of our brilliant account managers, Travis Moon.

Moon was born and raised in Grayson, Georgia. The account manager grew up in the ultimate family unit- in one of thirteen houses in a row where his whole family lived. Moon has only the fondest memories of this environment, and stayed there until he left to join the army at the age of 17. As a kid, Moon was full of energy, smart, and highly athletic. “I was on the triathlon and chess team,” says Moon, “triathlon helped me learn to never quit until its over, and chess team helped me learn to plan ahead and move in advance.”

Before joining the NX Direct team, Moon began paving the road for his career. “I was the National Face to Face Trainer for Hilton Grand Vacations’ sales and marketing division,” says Moon, “I was also a Combat Medic in the Army.”

Moon started with the company on August 26th, 2018, and has seen great success since that day. “I immediately noticed that account executives that were on different teams were helping trainees that were not on their teams,” says Moon, “something unique that I noticed about the company was how close our relationship was with our current campaign client Comcast Xfinity.”

As for the culture, Moon describes it best. “It is a place full of self-motivated, student minded servant leaders that are inspiring and constructive.”

As a leader, Moon has learned a lifetime of lessons in a few short months. “I learned what it takes to be a leader that employees would follow across the country,” says Moon, “I no longer feel that I don’t have any like-minded friends or coworkers my age to talk to.”

Travis Moon is an irreplaceable member of the NX Direct team with goals as clear as day. “I want to promote 100 outside deals, and be an asset to my team.”

Fun fact about Travis? He can cook a mean eggplant pirogue with a crawfish ettouifee.

