When Trusting Your Gut Goes Right: Jefferson Bell’s Story

Who is Jefferson Bell? Jefferson Bell is an Account Executive with NX Direct, but his greatness stretches far beyond that. The twenty-eight-year-old entrepreneur joined the NX Direct team in September of 2018. Did Jefferson Bell expect this career? Not exactly. “I was one week away from starting a different position with another company,” says Bell, “I learned about this company and the opportunity they provide, and I knew I had to follow my gut and join this team.” As he approaches a nearly two-year anniversary with NX Direct, Jefferson is a perfect example of exactly how right things can go when you follow your gut.

What are you most passionate about in life?

“I’ve always had a passion for Performing Arts since I was about eight years old, so anything that involved the stage of film production.

Did you pursue a career in the arts early on?

“Actually, no. I committed to my decision to join the Marine Corps a couple of months after graduating from high school in 2010. I gave eight years to the service, and during that time, I learned what it takes to be the guy setting an example. I learned to complete all missions assigned to me. I learned to put others before myself, even when it’s most difficult.”

Thank you for your service. What skills would you say you’ve brought to the table as a former Marine?

I’ve learned how to bring my style of “servant :leadership” to the table. Being part of a team-oriented business environment and an effective military unit aren’t that different. In both fields, it is important to keep open communication, search for new opportunities for improvement, and keep yourself vulnerable enough to ask for help.”

Are you a competitive person? Were you involved in sports; if so, how did that develop your competitive drive?

“I played football for a couple of years in high school, but I would say my competitive drive comes more from areas of creativity like my woodworking hobbies. Seeing a finished project and searching for a new way to push myself in the next project.”

Who inspires you?

“One of my biggest role models has always been Alexander the Great. Not the way he expanded an Empire, but despite his young age, he was able to lead and motivate people by the thousands to go where no one in his part of the world had gone before.”

How has your career grown since starting at NX Direct?

“I’ve been very fortunate with the new opportunities offered to me with the company so far. In my time, I have been able to experience new positions and responsibilities as a Corporate Trainer, Interviewing Recruiter, and one of the initial Hiring Managers.”

What have you found to be most challenging in this career?

“For me, one of the biggest challenges I had to work on was patience; understanding that there is much more of a process when it comes to building people from the ground up and understanding how to empower them, and teach them how to empower others. It might seem odd, but my biggest passion is getting the chance to see someone finally achieve the success they’ve been working towards or helping them get even one step closer to achieving it.”

What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment to date?

“My greatest accomplishment will always be getting to watch someone that I invested my time and knowledge into and pass that knowledge onto someone else.”

How has your business and career been affected by the COVID-19 crisis? What are you looking forward to for the remainder of 2020?

“COVID, for me, has been very much a phase of metamorphosis. It’s given me time to focus on my improvement areas and shape out what direction I want to see the company moving towards. I’m looking forward to growing and creating the future leaders of our organization by the end of 2020.”

What advice do you have for future business leaders?

“The best advice I can give is that there are going to be times where you need to get out of your own way. Every career comes with its doubts and discouragements. But when you take the time to look back on where you’ve been and who you have had a positive impact on, the journey gets so much more beautiful every time.”

What valuable lesson did a close relative/friend/mentor teach you?

“One of the best lessons I’ve ever gotten was that when it comes to being a proactive person, observe and consider what’s happening around you rather than what’s happening to you.”

In the next five years, Jefferson Bell sees himself leading a successful business and a team of people passionate about their careers. Fun fact about Bell? If it were up to him, he would name the autobiography of his life, Fire, and Marble: My Sculpture for Success. 

