Born and raised in Marietta, Georgia, David Rosales is many things; a son, a friend, a leader, a college student, and a Sales Representative at NX Direct. By joining the team this summer, Rosales began what is sure to be a long and fruitful career in business, with the entire NX Direct team by his side. To truly know David Rosales is to love David Rosales, and today we’re introducing him to you.
At just eighteen-years-old, Rosales recently graduated from high school and wasted no time at all. He hit the ground running and entered the workforce, while also pursuing his collegiate dreams. What does it take to balance college and a full-time job? Work ethic. That’s what Rosales says sets him apart, his work ethic. “My motivation starts with myself,” says Rosales, “but I also value working as a team to grow together and get better each day.”
Even in his short time on the NX Direct team, Rosales has learned exactly what it takes to build a strong and cohesive team. It isn’t always easy to blend so many personalities together through a shared goal, but with the right ingredients, our team only grows stronger. “We look for people who are motivated and trustworthy,” says Rosales, “empathy and a desire to learn are important as well. I like to work with people who bring others up instead of putting them down.”
One of the greatest benefits of a career in entrepreneurship, especially for young people, is the quick path to top leadership. In only a couple of days on the job, David Rosales learned what it takes to be a leader in the office, and out in the world. “I like to lead by example,” says Rosales, “I hold others accountable and want them to earn respect, look out for their teammates, and be kind and compassionate.”
“I was first drawn to NX Direct when I saw the opportunity in front of me. I’ve been able to learn a lot and push myself out of my comfort zone. The best part about the company is the people, hands down. I would recommend this business to anyone. Sales is imperative to all aspects of life. It’s a good skill to have.”
For future leaders hoping to recreate the success Rosales has seen in his short time with us, take his advice. “Never give up,” says Rosales, “I know its basic, but it’s true.” The future for David Rosales is bright as ever, as he hopes to take the leadership and communication skills he learns here into the entertainment industry. His short-term goal is to create a music video, with a long-term goal of starting his own clothing line. Rosales is the perfect example of entrepreneurship, and the way it bleeds into so many industries. How many successful entrepreneurs are salesmen, producers, investors, sports team owners, coaches, or stars themselves? David Rosales knows he has what it takes, and he’s following the footsteps of his favorite entrepreneur, Tyler Perry. Starting from the bottom and working his way up to billionaire status, Perry has experienced every aspect of business and continues to do what he loves.
As people, our specific interests, goals, and desires are different and unique to us. That said, there is one thing we can agree on—passion and hard work are the only things you need to achieve whatever you want in life. Take it from us, take it from Tyler Perry, or take it from David Rosales.